TmTools - Tools for Toastmasters

  Search Engine Optimization for Toastmasters clubs <- click!

  Instant Lookup of Toastmaster Information

Club Name Lookup- Links to Awards, DCP, Clubinfo

District Club Directory and Charter Anniversaries
Education Awards by:
Member Club Number
Award Type Award Totals
DCP History
Club Website Status Check
Realignment List: Club/Area History
District Stats Comparisons
Max Awards per Club
Year to Date All Years
Unlimited/Extended DCP
Current DCP
Member Max Awards
Triple Crown Awards
Almost Distinguished
Get Clubs
Pay Dues Online

Current Clubs: 14565, Memberships: 239314, Countries: 161, as of: 2025-01-20
New Clubs: 333, Distinguished: 0, Select: 0, Presidents: 0, Total: 0

   (Includes only clubs that are not Suspended)

  Update schedule: data changes just once a day, in early morning, California time, based on TI updates.
  Repeating or refreshing a report screen any other time will NOT show any new data.

Club Name Search - Find and Show a Club by Name/Number

Find a club by name (or a word in the name), or the club number, and get one-click links to its educational awards, DCP History, DCP Summary and club location details.
Or, see if another nearby club has the same name you want for your new club, before you submit the charter application.

New: option to also search club place and street address.


Special search controls: ^, $, %, |
  ^town finds clubs with "town" at the beginning of the name, and
  town$ finds clubs with "town" at the end of the name,
  talk%the%town finds club names like "Talk of the Town Club" but not "Talk About Town".
  talk|chat finds club names that have Either "talk" Or "chat" in the name.
Searches are not case-sensitive
For techies: Most regular expressions work, use POSIX syntax.

Optional: Limit the search to one district, or list of districts.

Note: shows only clubs not 'Suspended'.

Search hint: enter just one word to see all matching clubs, then narrow it down with a phrase, or the district, for a shorter list.

If you want results for several different clubs in a district, try starting with the District Directory, below.

Club search, by name or number
Search address fields too
District:   (optional)
(blank, a district, or a list: 4,57)
Click to search

Member Awards, one or multiple names

This tool lists a member's (or multiple members) educational award history by entering all or part of a member's name.
Enter first or last name, or some part of either one. The district is optional; if omitted, all districts will be searched.

If you enter a name as "last, first" (without the quotes, using a comma), it finds only members with the last name given.
If you enter a name as "first last" or "last first" (no quotes and no comma), it finds all members who have both names, in either order.
If more than one member's records are reported, give more of the name, or copy and paste the name exactly as shown in the Educational Achievements report to get a unique report.

If a member earned awards while registered as anonymous with Toastmasters, their award recod will show only their member number, like this:
07123456 - Name unavailable
You can search on that number.

Spaces are OK, upper/lower case will be ignored.
To get all awards in a given district, enter just a comma in the member name field.

If the district field is left blank, it searches all districts. Or put in a single district number or a list of districts. Note: limit 10,000 lines of results.

Multiple name lookup: Enter several names, one per line, to see all their awards. Try COPYing the name of club members directly from the club membership spreadsheet by selecting all the name fields(last, first, middle) for all the rows, then PASTE into the box below.

Member's name (or a part of it),
or paste names from club roster, one per line (try Copy in Excel, Paste here).

District: Options: blank, a district, or a list: 4,39,57
Click to fetch the data

DCP History - District/Division/Area/Club Snapshot

Shows Club summary records or District goal summary for DRP, for now and this same month in past year.

Enter a club number or a district number. If a district is picked, divison and area can OPTIONALLY be specified too.
By default, it shows the month-end closing data for all past years that on-line data is available.
If the current or previous month has not yet been closed at WHQ. only last year's data and before will show. Try different Month settings to
get this year's data.

Checking Division Summaries will show the summary report for all the divisions in the district.
Checking Area Summaries will show the summary report for all the areas in a division.
Checking Club Details shows the club report for each club in the designated area or division.

For each "level" of reports, links are provided to show details at the next level down.

Enter club or district. If district, you can also enter division or division and area, and indicate summaries.
Example: entering a district and checking Division Summaries will show the summary for the district and all the divisions.

(Some queries may take several seconds to run).

Club number:



For either report: Month:

Club Education History

This tool retrieves all the Educational Achievement awards of a Toastmasters club, as far back as WHQ maintains it online (earliest 2003-2004).
Default is all years, or pick just current years or include recent years.

To use it, type in the club number below, then click the Club Awards button.

Click the Export to Excel button on the report page to get the CSV file and load it into a spreadsheet.

District awards teams: Do you need all or most of the awards for the clubs in your district for this year?
If so, contact me at the email at the bottom of the page; I might be able to help.

Enter the club number:
, , , ,
Click to fetch the data

Award Types

This tool retrieves all of the awards of a given type, for the current year and all years in the online records. Select the award type from the drop-down list. For example, to see all the DTMs awarded in your district for past years (as far back as online records go) select DTM from the list.

The district can be a single district number, a comma-separated list of districts (e.g., all districts in a region), or blank (for all districts).

Set the District(s): Select the award type:
, , , ,
Click to fetch the data

Award Totals

Show the total number (only) of each type of award, by year. Put in a district or districts to limit the scope, otherwise all awards worldwide will be shown.
Note: ATMx is counted with ACx, ALS includes AL, CC includes CTM.
The column 'MemEarnAwds' counts the number of distinct members who earned at least one award. *** New, 12-9-2019 ***

The district can be a single district number, a comma-separated list of districts (e.g., 4,57,39), or blank (for all districts).

Click to fetch the data

Club Website Checker

This tool tries to determine what type of website each club in your district is running on, using the information provided in Club Central, and published under the Find-a-club link at WHQ.
Many clubs have inadvertent errors in the website address ("URL") they published using Club Central. Use this report to quickly spot the errrors and alert the club members to take action.

The "Show problems only" option lists only the clubs with unreachable websites, including FTH-1 URLs, plus sites that could not be loaded for any reason, including invalid URLs, timeouts, domain problems, etc.

If you spot a problem, contact me at the email at the bottom of this page, thanks.

Which District (required)? Show problems only:
Click to fetch the data

Realignment Report

This report may be helpful in realigning clubs and areas. It lists all the clubs in a district, showing past and current area alignment, with sufficient history to characterize strong and weak clubs.

For each year, it shows each club's charter date, division, area (that year and curent), its membership at the beginning and end of the year (along with the net change), number of DCP goals earned and Distinguished Club status.

If you spot a problem, or have suggestions to improve it, contact me at the email at the bottom of this page, thanks.

Which District (required)?
Click to fetch the data

District Stats Comparisons

Shows selected stats per district, across all districts


  1. Club and Member Changes by District:
    Compares each district's club and member count from end of July current year to now (most recent data available).
    Active0: Active clubs, Inel0: Ineligible clubs, Low0: Low clubs, All0: sum of these three, all from July numbers
    Active1 et al: Same for most recent date
  2. Club and Member Changes by Region:
    Compares each region's club and member count from end of July current year to now (most recent data available).
    Active0: Active clubs, Inel0: Ineligible clubs, Low0: Low clubs, All0: sum of these three, all from July numbers
    Active1 et al: Same for most recent date
  3. Divisions, Areas and New Club Counts.
    Compares each district's count of divisions, area, clubs and new members (since July)
  4. Current membership, per district. Sums Club Performance Mem T/Date currently for all non-suspended clubs.

If you spot a problem, or have suggestions to improve it, contact me at the email at the bottom of this page, thanks.

Stats Type:

Show last year:
Click to fetch the data

Max Awards per Club Year to Date

Some clubs are interested in how their awards this year compare to other clubs. If you're one of those clubs, this report is for you!

Leave out the district to get the worldwide list, or enter a district to limit the list.
Specify the number of top clubs to show (max 200), if you like, or leave it blank for the default.
Check the 'No HPL' box to not count HPL's (they aren't really awards, but they are in the awards report)

Note: Pending awards (PCC, PACB etc) are not counted.

If you spot a problem, or have suggestions to improve it, contact me at the email at the bottom of this page, thanks.

District (optional) No HPL's: Max clubs
Click to get the report  (Worldwide reports may take several seconds) 

Max Awards per Club per Year, All Years

This report lists the all-time (since 2003) max number of awards earned per year per club.
Compare to Max Award per Club Year to Date, which reports on the current Toastmaster year only.

Leave out the district to get the worldwide list, or enter a district to limit the list.
Specify the number of top clubs to show (max 200), if you like, or leave it blank for the default.
Totals are shown with and without HPLs.

Note: Pending awards (PCC, PACB etc) are not counted.

If you spot a problem, or have suggestions to improve it, contact me at the email at the bottom of this page, thanks.

District (optional) Max clubs
Click to get the report

Unlimited/Extended DCP Report

How many DCP goals would your club have if there was no limit?
In this report, clubs earn a DCP goal for every two CC's, with no limit. Same idea applies to current rules for AC's, Leadership, and New Member goals, extending the formulas for each, respectively.

The report shows, for each club, the number of members, the number of educational awards completed, and the number of members who earned an award.

Enter a district, or leave it blank to get the worldwide list.
Click the current year checkbox to limit results to this year to date, select a specific TM year, or
leave TM year as 'all' to see all years (as far back as online records go). Current year only overrides the TM year setting.
Specify the number of lines to show (max 500) or leave it blank for the default.

Note: In July through September, it shows results from last year.

Note 2: Only clubs which have earned at least one educational award this year to date are shown.

If you spot a problem, or have suggestions to improve it, contact me at the email at the bottom of this page, thanks.

District (optional) Max lines
 Current year only: TM Year
Click to get the report  (Takes several seconds) 

Current DCP Report (New)

How is your club doing this year?
In this report, you can see how your club's current (or past year) accomplishments on the Distinguished Club Program (DCP) compares with other clubs in your district, or around the world.

Enter a district, or leave it blank to get the worldwide list
Sort results by DCP Goals or by Members to date. .
Click the current year checkbox to limit results to this year to date, select a specific TM year, or
leave TM year as 'all' to see all years (as far back as online records go). Current year only overrides the TM year setting.
Specify the number of lines to show (max 500) or leave it blank for the default.

Note: In July through September, it shows results from last year.

Note 2: Only clubs which have earned at least one educational award this year to date are shown.

If you spot a problem, or have suggestions to improve it, contact me at the email at the bottom of this page, thanks.

District (optional) Max lines
 Current year only: TM Year
Sort by:
Click to get the report  (Allow several seconds) 

Max Awards per Member, per year or all-time

This report lists max number of awards earned by members, in order by most awards earned.
Check the all-time totals box to see the sum of all awards since July 2003 (start of online records),
otherwise it shows awards per year.

Leave out the district to get the worldwide list, or enter a district to limit the list.
Click the current year checkbox to limit results to this year, to date, OR
specify which TM year to show.
Specify the number of lines to show (max 1500) or leave it blank for the default.
HPL ('LDREXC') is not actually an educational award, but is shown if requested.

Note: Pending awards (PCC, PACB etc) are not counted.

If you spot a problem, or have suggestions to improve it, contact me at the email at the bottom of this page, thanks.

District (optional) Max lines No HPL's:
 Current year only: TM Year
 All-time totals
Click to get the report

District Directory/Club Anniversaries

Get a list of your district's clubs by Division/Area/Club. or by anniversary year or month. The anniversary year is as of the club's charter anniversary in the current TM year, not the calendar year.

Each club entry has current members, DCP goals, and links to four key reports.

Hint: To view reports on several clubs, it's faster to start with this report, sorted by division, then click through to each club.

To use it, type in the district number below, select the type of report, then click the Submit.

Click for the report

Club export tool - a Find-a-club work-alike

This tool provides a report, and more importantly, a CSV export, for club data in a district. It is very similar to the advanced find-a-club on the WHQ site, with a few additions:

Click for the report

Triple Crown Awards

Show the Triple Crown awards, using your District's criteria for the Triple Crown.

A Triple Crown is three or more educational awards earned in one Toastmaster year. Districts may have different criteria for which awards count.
Choose your district's criteria from one of these:

  1. All awards - anything listed in the WHQ awards report (default)
  2. The three awards must include a CC and a CL
  3. Three different awards
  4. Do not count DTM's
  5. The awards must include both a communications and a leadership award
  6. The awards must include at least one Pathways award
  7. The awards must include at least two Pathways awards
  8. The awards must include a Pathways Level 5 award
  9. The awards must include any three unique awards from L2, L3, L4, or L5.

For any of these critera, HPL's (LDREXC) can be included or excluded.

If your district's Triple Crown criteria is not shown, contact me at the email at the bottom of this page to have it added.

Enter a district or leave out the district to get a worldwide list.
  Note: this tool does NOT know what your district's criteria is, you need to select it.
Selelect your district's Triple Crown Criteria.

Click the Current Year Only checkbox to limit results to this year to date (in July shows previous year).
Click the No HPL checkbox to not count HPLs (LDREXC)
Specify the number of lines to show, or leave it blank for the default.

If you spot a problem, or have suggestions to improve this report, contact me at the email at the bottom of this page, thanks.


 No HPL's:
District (optional)  Max lines
 Current year only: TM Year
Click for report

 Almost Distinguished

List clubs that are "Almost Distinguished", needing only a more few members, or a few more DCP goals, to be Distinguished.
*New* - added April Renewals from the Division/Area report as "Paid".

The listing shows up to three parts:
"Need Mem" - Clubs that have met the DCP goals requirements, but need a few more members,
"Need Goal" - Clubs that have met the membership requirement (either 20+ members or if not, a net gain of five), but need a few more goals,
"Need Both" - Clubs just a bit short in both categories.

Members needed is the number of members below the minimum required (either 20 or +5) to include. (Default: 2)
Goals needed is the number of DCP goals below the minimum 5 to include. (Default: 1)

For example, with Members needed=2, and Goals needed=1, the report will show all clubs in your district that are not yet distinguished and:
1: Have at least 5 goals but need 1 or 2 more members (have either at least 18 members or a net gain of at least 3 members),
2: Have qualified on member numbers but need one more DCP goal,
3: Need up to 2 more members AND 1 more DCP goal.

If you spot a problem, or have suggestions to improve it, contact me at the email at the bottom of this page, thanks.

District (required)  Members needed: Goals Needed:
Sort by:  (Defaults to Needs)
Click to get the report

Adding this report to your website

Webmasters, you are welcome to add a link to this Tools page to your website.

Here is one example of HTML to do that:

Tools to summarize Toastmaster reports     (The live link, opens in new window)

<a href="" target="_blank">Tools to summarize Toastmaster reports</a>

To add a link to a club website that displays your club's educational awards without using the form, the HTML would look something like this:

Our Educational Awards     (This is a live link to my home club to show how it works)

<a href="" target="_blank">Our Educational Awards</a>

Substitute your club number for "5067" in the HTML above.

Even More Tools for Toastmasters!

There is a MUCH larger collection of reporting tools available on the Toastmasters official website.

For more reports, including reports that group and analyze the raw data in useful ways, the reports2 page is great;
these tools were developed by Mike Raffety, PID from Chicago:

Mike Raffety also has some newer reports here:

Paying Toastmaster Club Dues Online

Your club treasurer can pay dues for the club online at, but can your club
collect dues from your club members online? Or do you have to chase down members
(who might be out on business travel), always reminding them to bring their checkbook?
What if each member could pay the club online, as soon as they received your reminder email, by credit card?

You can! At least in the U.S., it is easy to set up a PayPal account, link it to the club's bank account,
and provide a simple form on the club website where each member can pay. I have set up several different
Toastmasters Paypal accounts and advised others as well. I have developed some techniques that
make it easy to set up and easy to pass along next term.

Click this link to download the PDF with my tips and tricks for PayPal for Toastmasters.

Tools for Toastmasters

DCP Chart

SEO: Search Engine Optimization for Toastmasters Clubs

Make your club website work harder for your PR!

For community/open Toastmasters clubs, making a few changes on your website can bring in more visitors - lots more visitors. Download my SEO guide for some things you can do to have your club website found more often.

Click to download the PDF with my guidelines on SEO for Toastmasters clubs.


This and That

Distinguished Club Numbers Compared

On average, about half of all clubs earn Distinguished, at some level. Of those that do, more clubs earn President's Distinguished than the other two levels.


These Toastmaster Tools applications (tmtools or tm tools) are brought to you by George Marshall/DTM, District Statistician in Toastmasters District 57,

Home club: Star Search/5067

Questions or suggestions? Contact me at gdmarshall (at) gmail (dot) com
or via my LinkedIn page at:
(If you want to connect with me on LinkedIn, please mention that you are a Toastmaster member, with your club or district).

All Toastmaster data in these reports is derived from the publicly available Toastmasters reports; no private information is presented. Report data and Toastmasters statistics are updated frequently, see report pages for dates that report values were last updated.
Toastmasters Distinguished Club Program (DCP), Educational Awards, and Club information are usually updated daily.

This web page last modified: Mar 20, 2023.

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